Dragi moji, dobrodošli na naš kanal Na vr’ brda! Zahvaljujem se na strpljenju svima koji nas prate jer smo zbog odlaska na more zakasnili sa videom. Ne mogu da obećam da se neće ponoviti ☺️.
Ovog puta smo bili u Budvi, malo u Kotoru i na Adi Bojani.
Ovo je samo mali deo naše pustolovine ali se iskreno nadam da će onima koji ove godine nisu stigli na more biti slatko i da će uživati.
Budvu nismo prepoznali… Toliko se izgradilo da je sve postalo previše, preveliko i preskupo. Moram da napomenem da je jako prljavo, djubre je apsolutno na sve strane, ležaljke su od 10 do 20 Eura, hrana je preskupa po restoranima, piće, kugla sladoleda je 1,2€ itd.
Nismo obožavaoci ovakvih napumpanih mesta ali smo imali sreću te smo mogli koristiti stan Rašinog rođaka i zato smo završili tamo.
Kotor smo posetili i bili smo veoma iznenađeni da je čist, pristojan, lepo organizovan i miran grad.
Donji Stoj (Ada Bojana) je prelep i vredelo je to videti i osetiti. Malo jeftiniji, opušteniji, underground osećaj sa dosta peska, sunca, muzike i mesta koliko vam volja.
Eto nažalost i tome dodje kraj,pa do sledeće godine.
My dears, welcome to our channel Na vr’ brda! I would like to thank everyone who follows us for their patience because we were late with the video due to going to the sea. I can’t promise it won’t happen again ☺️.
This time we were in Budva, a bit in Kotor and Ada Bojana.
This is only a small part of our adventure, but I sincerely hope that those who did not make it to the sea this year will have a good time and will enjoy it.
We did not recognize Budva… So much was built that everything became too much, too big and too expensive. I have to mention that it is very dirty, garbage is absolutely everywhere, sunbeds are from 10 to 20 Euros, food is too expensive in restaurants, drinks, a scoop of ice cream is 1.2€, etc.
We are not fans of such places, but we were lucky and could use Rasha’s cousin’s apartment, and that’s why we ended up there.
We visited Kotor and were very surprised that it is a clean, decent, well-organized and peaceful city.
Donji Stoj (Ada Bojana) is beautiful and it was worth seeing and feeling. A little cheaper, more relaxed, underground feel with plenty of sand, sun, music and as many places as you like.
Unfortunately, that’s the end of it, until next year.