Dobrodošli na naš kanal Na vr’ brda!

Raša je napokon raskovao celu šupu, za to vreme smo Kosta i ja spremili prozore za farbanje i ja sam ih na kraju ofarbala.
Proces je trajao dovoljno dugo da mi zauvek dosadi farbanje, a ostala su nam sva sobna vrata i štokovi! O tom potom.
Htela sam da se zahvalim svima koji nas prate i strpljivo gledaju.

Hvala što ste deo naše pustolovine ❤️


Welcome to our channel Na vr’ brda!

Raša finally dismantled the whole shed, during which time Kosta and I prepared the windows for painting and I painted them in the end.
The process took long enough to make me tired of painting forever, and we were left with all the room doors and frames! About that later.
I wanted to thank everyone who follows us and watches patiently.

Thanks for being part of our adventure ❤️