Dobrodošli na naš kanal, Na vr’ brda! U ovom delu zaista krećemo da utičemo na sistem oko nas kopanjem! To jest’ ja! 😂😂
Želja, da prvenstveno cela bašta bude lakše pristupačna, da imamo dovoljno vode, da bude funkcionalna itd., nas je dovela na ovaj logičan korak.
Sve ove tehnike možete naći na internetu pod #permakultura, #greenagriculture, a ja ih samo isprobavam za sada u bašti jer je neophodno ali ćemo ceo sistem integrisati sa vremenom po celom imanju. Kako? Verovatno većinski ručno. 🤔
Nego eto u ovom videu samo krećemo, pa nam poželite srećan put jer je dugo do proleća kada će ili bi trebalo da bude spremno za korišćenje.

Ukoliko želite da nam pomognete Vi nas možete zapratiti, podeliti i lajkovali.
Hvala vam još jednom što ste deo naše pustolovine ❤️


Welcome to our channel, On top of the hill! In this part we really start to influence the system around us by digging! That’s me! 😂😂
The desire, primarily for the entire garden to be more accessible, to have enough water, to be functional, etc., led us to this logical step.
You can find all these techniques on the internet under #permaculture, #greenagriculture, and I’m just trying them out in the garden for now because it’s necessary, but we’ll integrate the whole system over time throughout the property. How? Probably mostly by hand. 🤔
But in this video we are just getting started, so wish us a happy journey because it is a long time until spring when it will or should be ready for use.

If you want to help us, you can follow us, share and like.
Thank you once again for being part of our adventure ❤️

Music: Journey 02
Musician: Xuxiao
URL: InShot

Music: Denim
Musician: EnjoyMusic

Music: Beautiful Dream
Musician: Diego Nava