Mart 2023. čim sunce eto i nas napolju!
Bašta skoro pa spremna. Fali mi seno ili slama da ušuškam baštu i sprečim korov koliko mogu. Videćemo da li mogu igde naći jer bala sena je između 200 i 300 dinara. Meni, doduše, treba propalo seno, pa ako ima ima, a ako nema onda su domaćini pravo zaštitili hranu za svoje domaće životinje i ja ću onda da se zadovoljim možda i folijom. Videćemo kako će dalje da se razvija situacija.
Nismo bili preterano vredni što zbog vremenskih uslova što zbog nedostatka sunca, a pritom i elana za rad.
Polako i uz Božju pomoć ❤️
Svako dobro

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Hvala što ste deo naše pustolovine ❤️

March 2023. as soon as the sun is out, we’re out!
The garden is almost ready. I lack hay or straw to tuck the garden in and prevent weeds as much as I can. We will see if I can find it somewhere because a bale of hay is between 200 and 300 dinars (2,5 € – 3 €) Admittedly, I need rotten hay, so if there is some I’ll take it, and if there is none, then the hosts have properly protected the food for their domestic animals, and I will then be satisfied with perhaps foil. We will see how the situation will develop further.
We were not overly diligent, either because of the weather conditions or because of the lack of sun, and at the same time, the energy for working.
Slowly and with God’s help ❤️
All the best

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