Zdravo živo i dobrodošli!
Jedna leja/brana gotova i posadjena špargla, paradajz, vlašac, beli vlašac, nezaborav i divlje jagode (ako se prime)… Još mnoge za napraviti ali slast je utoliko veća jer je teško. Nije strašno ali….
Nema mesta za čekanje!
Hrana je najbitniji element u selu za zdravstvenu, duhovnu i materijalu dobrobit.
Moto na našem imanju je :
Ako nemaš papiriće imaš mišiće 😉.

Hvala što ste deo naše pustolovine ❤️

Hello and welcome!
One bed/berm ready and planted with asparagus, tomatoes, chives, white chives, forget-me-not flowers and wild strawberries (if they make it )… Many more to make (berms and swales , but the sweetness is all the greater because it is difficult. It’s not terrible but…
No time to wait!
Food is the most important element for self-sustaining in the village for health, spiritual and material well-being.
That’s why if we don’t have papers 🤑 we have muscles 💪.

Thanks for being part of our adventure ❤️