Dobrodošli u još jedan u nizu videa na našem Na vr ‘ brda kanalu!

Ovo su sve videa direktno ili indirektno vezana za rekonstrukciju bašte, zahvatanje vode, usporavanje kišnice i mnogih drugih elemenata.
Konkretno u ovom smo raspremali šupu i skidali sa “galerije” sve daske koje su propale da bi ih stavili kao potporne zidove na lejama, a onda smo pola sadnica jagoda, jer su na putu daljoj rekonstrukciji, presadili na furunu 😁.
Hvala što ste deo naše pustolovine ❤️

Music: Hill Of Hope
Musician: EnjoyMusic

Music: Trop
Musician: EnjoyMusic


Welcome to another in a series of videos on our On the Hill channel!

These are all videos directly or indirectly related to garden reconstruction, water capture, rainwater retardation and many other elements.
Specifically, in this one, we dismantled the shed and removed from the “gallery” all the boards that failed to put them as supporting walls on the beds, and then we transplanted half of the strawberry seedlings, because they were on the way to further reconstruction, to the furun 😁.
Thanks for being part of our adventure ❤️

Music: Hill Of Hope
Musician: EnjoyMusic

Music: Trop
Musician: EnjoyMusic