Zdravo i dobrodošli u jedan u nizu videa kako ću ja napraviti baštu na brdu, a da imamo dovoljno useva, uz minimalno zalivanje, prihranu, okopavanje….
Ali zato kopanje do besvesti!
Nego eto razmišljam možda je bolje sad da kopam, a posle da uživam 😊.

Što se vode tiče snimiću jedan mali video o samo toj temi.

Ako imate pitanja možete da ih napišete ovde, pa ću vam odgovoriti u sledećem videu.

Hvala vam što ste deo naše pustolovine ❤️.


Hello and welcome to one in a series of videos on how I will make a garden on the hill, so that we have enough crops, with minimal watering, fertilizing, hoeing….
But that’s why digging to the point of insanity!
But I’m thinking maybe it’s better to dig now and enjoy later 😊.

As far as water is concerned, I will record a small video on just that topic.

If you have questions, you can write them here, and I will answer them in the next video.

Thank you for being part of our adventure ❤️.

Music: What I was hoping for
Musician: Konstantin Tyufyakin
URL: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5l0NPpIKBDNIrlyYj9vqVn

Music: Sweet Dreams
Musician: BatchBug
URL: https://soundcloud.com/batchbug/
License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/