Danas vam pokazujem moje jadne paradajze, krastavce, kukuruze i ostalo.
Zbog velike suše je došlo do “malih” problema u bašti!
Naravno da smo razočarani…
Živeti u selu znači osloniti se na prirodu i očekivati najbolje, a ako to ne bude “idealno” onda morate naučiti kako da rešite problem koji vas je zadesio.

Ni ove godine nisam uspela da proizvedem dovoljno povrća za sezonu, a ni za zimnicu! Imamo mnogo toga da naučimo i da doradimo da bi mogli da smanjimo konzumiranje iz prodavnice.

Sa svakim izazovom mi samo postajemo snalažljiviji i spremniji!

Hvala što ste deo naše pustolovine ❤️
Ako vam se sviđa naš kanal slobodno nas zapratite, lajkujte i podelite sa svojima.

Today I’m showing you my poor tomatoes, cucumbers, corn and more.
Due to the great drought, there were “small” problems in the garden!
Of course we are disappointed…
Living in the village means relying on nature and expecting the best, and if it’s not “ideal” then you have to learn how to solve the problem that befell you.

This year, I did not manage to produce enough vegetables for the season, and not even for the winter! We have a lot to learn and improve so that we can reduce consumption from the store.
With each challenge we only become more resourceful and ready!

Thanks for being part of our adventure ❤️
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