Zbog velike kiše naša skalamerija za paradajz je popustila i pala na iste! Sada je vreme da se uradi ozbiljnija konstrukcija. Mislila sam da mogu sama ali cerove letve su do te mere tvrde da nisam uspela da zašrafim ni jedan šraf sama, a da ne pričam o nabijanju u zemlju….
Uostalom ostanite i pogledajte do kraja.
Hvala što ste deo naše pustolovine ❤️

Due to the heavy rain, our poles for tomatoes gave way and fell on them! Now it’s time to do some serious construction. I thought I could do it myself, but the slats are so hard that I couldn’t screw in a single screw myself, not to mention driving them into the ground….
After all, stay and watch until the end.
Thanks for being part of our adventure ❤️

Music: Fumblerooski
Musician: LAB HITS-Felix Manzi
URL: https://lyra.sourceaudio.com/

Music: What I was hoping for
Musician: Konstantin Tyufyakin
URL: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5l0NPpIKBDNIrlyYj9vqVn

Music: Future
Musician: LAB HITS-Brent Horsager
URL: https://lyra.sourceaudio.com/